How is it?
Caught a few snapper while out fishing yesterday, looked up a few recipes on the net. Olives, Capers, Tomato paste, a sprig of Rosemary, salt pepper and a little grated lemon skin.
This one is nice as it included some potatoes so out to the garden and dug up a few Kowiniwini.
Bit of a scrub under running water and into the fish parcels. Excellent result and so will be cooking this one again soon.
Had to par boil the Kowiniwini first. Don't they look good? They are soooo tasty when freshly dug.
Noted that the Kowiniwini were planted out on the 9/10/11. The seeds are from Koanga gardens. Will be saving a few to grow on again. Should be able to get another lot in before winter I hope.